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TO : J.D.

EXECATERS has not caused Ms. Hooker to mysteriously vanish,  as you so euphemistically put it.  She is very much alive --- if you can call it that,  considering she's reverted to her former habits, ---  and has become a regular fixture in the trap-houses she's been frequenting since her fall from grace.  If you're familiar with her old stomping grounds you'll have no problems locating her.  That being said, and with the authority vested in me as the acknowledged conduit between the two stratums of society, I submit the following as a cautionary tale for those females who neglect to look before they leap.


Those who have done business with Execaters are aware that they are also in the practice of making short-term capital loans to Providers in emergency situations.  The regular procedure is for the prospective applicant to be referred by a Liaison located in her vicinity of residence.  The minimum amount is $1000 with 40% interest.  She needs a state-issued ID, confirmation of current address, and proof of operation.  However, if she is currently without the first two, Execaters will also cover expenses for temporary lodging(s).  She will be assigned a Minder to keep an eye on her (for her personal protection, and that of Execaters interest, and to discourage skipping). She is expected to have a $400+/hr clientele and be able to fulfill a daily quota of $1500 (trust that Execaters can assess her qualifications to command this amount.  And, if so, to later renege on any verbal agreement between them can result in dire consequences)!




CASE IN POINT:  An out-of-towner had decided to operate in Hardeeville, SC.  She had neither ID or place of residence, but happened to be acquainted with the Liaison stationed there.  He vouched for her, Execaters gave her a loan and rented her a motel room in Ridgeland, SC., where a Minder was assigned to monitor her goings and comings.  Somehow, she managed to duck him.  She could've gotten away scot free had she returned to her hometown immediately afterwards, but she took the risk of returning to Hardeeville, where she was eventually spotted.


The Liaison who had referred her, in order to save face, had her waylaid and spirited to an undisclosed location, where she agreed to render an act of voluntary indentured servitude until he recouped what was due to Execaters and himself. Her ordeal ended in a day or so and she was escorted back to town.  But for some reason she remained in Hardeeville and tried her luck at the same scam; this time, however, with one of the local shylocks.  From the report I received, an attempt was first made to have a relative ransom her for the debt owed but that approach had taken a turn for the worst.  A brother, or someone, had opted for a more aggressive response to the demand but, after certain threat of multiple gunshot wounds of varying calibers, he decided to wash his hands of the matter completely and let street justice have its way. He went back to wherever and never returned (as far as I know). Eventually, Ms. Hooker worked off the debt and was cut loose.




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